Wednesday 29 January 2020

PANJIM Passing The Port

Thirty six hours in sunny Panjim, erstwhile home of the Portuguese after they'd upped sticks from malarial, pox- and typhoid-ridden Bombay in 1843. As usual, I may have made this up, but there they were in any case..

Architecture, design, signage, almost everything Portuguese remains or suggests its presence, and it's easy to forget the locals left holding the fort are Indian who, with the exception of lots of the heritage hotels and restaurants, have let the place go to rack and ruin in the time-honoured tradition.

A lovely place, rather like Havana, with a photo opp on every corner. Luckily for you, these are just a few of them.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't know your mum was there Keith. You found some pussycats too. Did they follow you home. Carole
